I Hate Being Addicted

                            I hate being addicted.

                                           29 Juni 2013, 22:45
I hate it when I'm addicted about something. Cause I spend a lot of my time just to think about it for billion times till I find another interesting thing to think about, which is kinda hard and takes a really long time for me. Perhaps, actually I just need to have more activities to forget about my addiction. Well, I doubt. Cause when I'm doing something I still think about it, although less than doing nothing. 

I hate it when I'm addicted about something. Cause I'll find out everything related about that thing over and over again till I'm tired and choose to stop but I just can't. I'll tell some people eagerly and become sad cause I know they will never understand what I feel.

I find it's hurt. It hurts. I hate being addicted.

Dessy Andasari Siregar

Just another note that I post on facebook.

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